The 2016 Workshop

парад_красной_армии.tiffSeptember 30 – October 1, 2016 Princeton University

The 2016 Workshop is the continuation of the original symposium that took place in May 2015.

The main goal of this workshop is to finalize our contributions to the edited volume The Pedagogy of Images: Depicting Communism for Children, which grew out of the initial meeting.

Workshop Schedule 

September 30, 2016

10.00 – 12.00
Presenters: Marina Sokolovskaia & Daniil Leiderman
Seeing Lenin’s Double: The Visuality of Soviet Childhood
Discussant: Helena Goscilo

Presenter: Thomas Keenan
New America: the Brave New New World of Soviet Civilization in Soviet Children’s Books, 1919-1932
Discussant: Sara Pankenier Weld

12.00 – 12.50
Stephen M. Norris
Young Soldiers at Play: The Red Army Soldier as Icon
Discussant: Maria Starkova-Vindman

14.00 – 14.50
Presenter: Helena Goscilo
The Radiant Path to the Thrice-Tenth Kingdom of the Soviets: Magical Modes of Education and Conversion
Discussant: Yuri Leving

14.50 – 17.40          PANEL TWO: SPEEDING TIME

Presenter: Kevin M.F. Platt
From Revolutionary Dynamism to Plan and Program: Visualizing Temporality in Soviet Children’s Culture
Discussant: Alexey Golubev

Presenter: Michael Kunichika
The Camel and the Caboose: Viktor Shklovsky’s Turksib and the Pedagogy of Uneven Development
Discussant: Larissa Rudova

Presenter: Katherine Hill Reischl
Aero-plane, Aero-boat, Aero-sled: Propelling Everywhere in Soviet Transportation
Discussant: Aleksandar Bošković

October 1, 2016

9.30 – 12.30        PANEL THREE: BOOKS AS OBJECTS

Presenter: Yuri Leving
Alisa Poret’s Revolution of Vision: Cinema, Propaganda and Avant-Guard
Discussant: Kevin M.F. Platt

Presenter: Aleksandar Bošković
Autonomous Animals Animated: Samozveri as A Constructivist Pedagogical Cine-Dispositive
Discussant: Michael Kunichika

Presenter: Birgitte Beck Pristed
The Fragile Power of Paper and Projections
Discussant: Bradley Gorski

13.30 – 15.10             PANEL FOUR: LIVING THINGS

Presenter: Sara Pankenier Weld
Man, Machine, and Man-Machine: The Child as Instrument of Futurity
Discussant: Elena Fratto

Presenter: Larissa Rudova
Visualizing the Natural World for Children: To Exploit or to Cherish
Discussant: Daniil Leiderman

15.30 – 17.10          PANEL FIVE: NEW COLLECTIVITIES

Presenter: Alexey Golubev
The Working Body and Its Prostheses: Anatomy of Class in the Early Soviet Children’s Literature
Discussant: Katherine Hill Reischl

Presenter: Maria Starkova-Vindman
En-gendering the New Soviet Child: Representations of Gender in the Early Soviet Children’s Press
Discussant: Thomas Keenan


17.15 – 17.45 Katherine Hill Reischl: The Pedagogy of Images: a Digital Phase.
